Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Does a rally ever end well?  The way I see it, the longer this rally goes on, the worse the end is going to be.
"In addition, 43% of respondents to our poll yesterday said they are "still waiting to get back in" to the market, which is up from 40% when Yahoo! Finance asked the same question back on Jan. 28."
I'm not sure what anyone is actually waiting for.  Well, other than the bad end, that is.  But, if there's really that much money still on the sidelines, it's possible it won't end badly at all, at least until after the rally that results from all those people deciding that it's time to "get back in."
"I’m going to trade risk both ways and let the market dictate whether fear or greed is the appropriate mood right now."
Probably a good tactic, if you're in a position to do that.  The only problem I have with this comment is the part about "fear or greed."  First, I don't think there's much difference between fear and greed, although I think Mr. Harrison was referring to fear of losses versus fear of missing out on gains (greed).  And according to the previously quoted line, 43% of respondents are apparently not afraid of missing out on gains.  At least, not yet.

I still think this rally is more about QE than anything, which is why the market is up so much while there is still, apparently, lots of money sidelined.

How Your Kids Are Learning Not to Blow Your Cash
"The trend is known as "gamification" because the learning comes through computer-game simulations of real-world financial events."
So, some people think that playing a game actually teaches kids about the realities of losing money?  I've watched kids play games... and there's a whole lot of quitting and restarting.  Real life doesn't work that way, at least not usually.

Private Jobs Continue to Show Signs of Growth

"The labor market recovery is accelerating with rising demand creating fresh opportunities well beyond the financial crisis."
So, it turns out that jobs aren't created by the rich, but in fact are created by demand.  Maybe this whole fiscal cliff / sequester deal will turn out good, just like the end of World War II.  I'm not convinced yet, though.

The above comments are just my opinions and takes on what's happening in the markets.  Feel free to leave your own comments.  Perhaps you'll change my mind.

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